Among a dozen other guilty pleasures I could confess all over this blog space, one of my favorite secret shames is syndicated repeats of The Big Bang Theory. I have also started to DVR new episodes even though I am not 100% sure if I have closed the gap between what is airing on TBS and what is sitting on my DVR. I have no idea how many seasons are out there and I don’t care.
Normally I don’t get into a show with a laugh track, take CBS’s “2 Broke Girl’s” for example. I don’t need to be prompted when the blonde girl is being funny. Mostly because she’s not funny. But I really like The Big Bang Theory. Thanks mostly in part to Penny who has blown up the scene on Priceline and Kia commercials. But even more thanks to Sheldon Cooper. His character is meant to be polarizing and I am on the love side of the spectrum.
(staring into my #crazycatlady future – source)
I have been feeling stressed lately about where I am in life, with my job, my fitness, and so on. I feel like I had a missed opportunity this spring with my running and no matter how many pep talks I give myself, I still wish my running was where it was last fall. I put on some pounds over the last few months and it’s eating away at me. I wonder what my friends are doing, I’m packing my calendar with events every night and when I’m not doing something, I wonder why not. What is going on with me?
This is why I need to be more like Sheldon Cooper. Forgetting his characteristic idiosyncrasies like an inflated ego, weird obsessive compulsive tendencies, and extreme narcissism, honestly, I think there is a lot to learn form Dr. Cooper.
The man is logical. Forget what your IQ is or if you have a overly extensive amount of general knowledge, I know I could benefit from slowing down and thinking sometimes. Even when my thoughts are at their most rational, I go and do something that is straight up cray.
Here’s the thing, lack of direction can create stress. If I am trying to achieve something, marathon training, fitness goals, success at work, it’s important to stay focused and make decisions that are right for me. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week. Plan and be logical.
Being particular is ok. I won’t die if I can’t sit in my spot on the couch or if my apartment isn’t in the perfect condition. But there are some things I like a certain way.
I embarrassed myself a little bit at the barn on Sunday. Justin came out with me to visit the horse and before we left I saw that his stall shavings weren’t in the usual corner. I didn’t like where they were and I wanted to move them. So Justin waited patiently while I dug out pound after pound after pound of shavings with a pitchfork and moved it.
(i love my horse, it is what it is)
My horse likes to throw his food on the ground and eat it. And if it falls in the shavings pile, well, then how is he supposed to dig it out. I wanted my horse to be happy, therefore I wanted things done my way. Sometimes, that ok, and if someone thinks it’s weird, well, it could be worse.
He is forever himself. I go through these weird spurts of identity crisis. Sometimes I wake up confident and carefree and other days I worry. I judge and measure my body, my lifestyle, my career, my relationships, whatever, and compare it to others. Sheldon respects himself for exactly who he is… to a fault. But that doesn’t have to be me.
I am good enough just the way I am. I don’t have a degree in quantum physics but I’m kind of smart. I have some work to do on my running and my diet but I can get up and move. I don’t need to compare to anyone else or be anything someone else wants me to be. It would probably just be easier to be myself and get over it anyway.
Guy’s got confidence. Now I’m not about to make a list of all the ways I am smarter than everyone else I know, but I could probably use a brush up on confidence.
I had a crappy run last night. I felt slow and out of sync. My form must have looked atrocious as I bobbled down the sidewalk. Whenever I have these types of runs I question myself as a runner and then snowball think myself into all kinds of negative self talk. Have a little confidence, girl, and wear it well! Tomorrow is a new day.
He’s going to do his own thing, and he is ok with that choice. I probably wouldn’t turn down plans to go out on a Saturday in favor of laundry, but I can do my own thing. I have been packing my calendar with so many things I have been losing track.
Saturday night I rode my horse and stayed in to watch a movie. I was very happy to hug and love my horse and then lay on the couch in front of the tv. So why when I saw 10 instargams of people doing fun stuff did I suddenly think I should be doing something else? I made my decision and had a great time. Doing your own thing and having a couple events to look forward to works. I can do my own thing and meet up with friends another night.
(saving nights out for the big stuff… like NKOTB! photo cred whycle)
He’s good to the ones he cares about, everyone else is just ‘everyone else.’ Your circle of friends doesn’t have to be big, just caring. Unload the bad company and embrace the people you care about.
I get upset easily when I find myself really putting myself out there and not getting it back. I feel down and think, people just don’t pay it forward anymore. But I forget sometimes that the people who are really my friends are the ones that are going to be there for me. I know who I can reach out to for help and who I can’t. Stay focused on the ones you love, everyone one else is just everyone else.
I watch the show and think that while he can be an asshole, the kid has a few things right. I find myself wishing I could care less, love myself more, and just be ok with me. The weird shit we can learn from a fictional character. And yes, I realize that I talked about Sheldon Cooper as if he is a real person. I’m ok with that, gonna try this whole confidence thing on for size.
Do you watch The Big Bang Theory? Love or hate Sheldon? You’ll be looking at him in a new light now. What other fictional characters do you find yourself admiring or relating to?